Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stomach – Slide 08

Stomach Pyloric Antrum Portion 

Mucous Gastric – smaller increase

1- Mucous Layer – Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple
2- Muscularis Mucosa Layer
3- Submucosa Layer
4- Muscular itself Layer

Mucous Gastric – Middle increase

1- Mucous Layer – Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple
2- Muscularis Mucosa Layer
3- Submucosa Layer
4- Muscular itself Layer
Arrow – (Tubules Coating) – Epithelial tissue with Simple Cylindric Coating
Star – Secretor Gland Portion
Red Triangle – Tubules
There are Gastric Pits

Gastric Mucosa – greater increase

Arrow- Epithelial Tissue with Simple Cylindric Coating
There are Gastric Pits

Body and Fundus Portion of the Stomach 

Gastric Mucous – smaller increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple
*Component Cells of the Fundic Stomach:
-Parietal Cell – it can color itself with eosin and it has spherical core in central position. These cells are involved in the elaboration of hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.
-Chief (zymogen) Cell – it is smaller than parietal cell, cylinder, basophilic, and it has a round nucleus. It is involved in protein synthesis and secretion (pepsin, rennin and gastric lipase).
-Mucosa Cell – its cytoplasm can’t be colored in this technique. It secretes mucus.
-Endocrine Cells or Argentafin – it can be colored by the silver and it secretes hormones.

Gastric Mucous – greater increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple
*Component Cells of the Fundic Stomach:
-Parietal Cell – it can color itself with eosin and it has spherical core in central position. These cells are involved in the elaboration of hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.
-Chief (zymogen) Cell – it is smaller than parietal cell, cylinder, basophilic, and it has a round nucleus. It is involved in protein synthesis and secretion (pepsin, rennin and gastric lipase).
-Mucosa Cell – its cytoplasm can’t be colored in this technique. It secretes mucus.
-Endocrine Cells or Argentafin – it can be colored by the silver and it secretes hormones.

Pyloric Stomach Portion

Gastric Mucous – smaller increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple 

1- Mucous Layer – Glandular Epithelial Tissue
2- Muscularis Mucosa Layer - with Remaining Portion
3- Submucosa Layer - with Brunner’s Glands
4- Muscular itself Layer

Gastric Mucous – greater increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue – Tubulosa Gland Branched Simple 

1- Mucous Layer – Glandular Epithelial Tissue
2- Muscularis Mucosa Layer - with Remaining Portion
3- Submucosa Layer - with Brunner’s Glands

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Gastric Muscles – Smaller increase

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Rectangle – Smooth Muscle Fibers in Longitudinal Section
Circle – Smooth Muscle Fibers in Cross Section

With Ganglion from Autonomic Nervous System


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