Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bladder - Slide 26

Empty Bladder - Middle Increase

Stratified  Lining Epithelial Tissue Mixed or Transitional - Urothelium with presence of globet cells, called "Umbrela Cells".

Empty Bladder - Greater Increase

Stratified  Lining Epithelial Tissue Mixed or Transitional - Urothelium

Arrow - presence of globet cells

 Full Bladder - Smaller Increase

Arrow - Stratified  Lining Epithelial Tissue Mixed or Transitional - Urothelium

Full Bladder - Middle Increase

Stratified  Lining Epithelial Tissue Mixed or Transitional - Urothelium

Arrow - presence of globet cells

Full Bladder - Greater Increase

Stratified  Lining Epithelial Tissue Mixed or Transitional - Urothelium
With presence of globet cells. 

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