Thursday, October 16, 2014

Submandibular - Slide 48

Acini-Duct Gland - Smaller increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue Comprising Banched Acini-Duct Gland with presence of Mucous Acini, Serous and Mixed.

There is more Serous Acini.

Acini-Duct Gland - Middle increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue Comprising Banched Acini-Duct Gland with presence of Mucous Acini, Serous and Mixed.

1- Gland's Duct - Simple Lining Cylindrical Epithelial Tissue.

There is more Serous Acini.
Red Circle - Serous Acini
Blue Circle - Mucous and Mixed Acini.

Acini-Duct Gland - Greater increase

Glandular Epithelial Tissue Comprising Banched Acini-Duct Gland with presence of Mucous Acini, Serous and Mixed.

1- Gland's Duct - Simple Lining Cylindrical Epithelial Tissue.

There is more Serous Acini.
The Mixed and Mucous Acini visibly.

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